Our Lord Jesus told me to stop blogging some years ago In His Wisdom.
I felt blessed as I had received many messages insulting me for getting the dates of my predictions "wrong" and calling me curse names. Like 'wanker', 'shitbag' and 'cockeating bag of sperm whale sperm'.
No matter what church one belongs to, or doesn't belong to, one who believes IN HIS HEART, and obeys the Lord in his daily walk, will be taken in the rapture. These are the seed that fell on good ground, took root, and produced gain for the Lord in their lives.
The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear! Luke 12:2,3
Then Jesus asked them, “Would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under a bed? Of course not! A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light will shine. For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given—and you will receive even more. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.” Mark 4:21-25
Ron Reese Ultimate Christian Rapture Prophecy Prediction Sanctuary
A very warm welcome to all Christians interested in Biblical prophecy, prediction, End Times,UFOs, Jesus, Sudden Destruction and Bible study, in Jesus name!
Friday, 12 February 2016
Saturday, 9 February 2013
The Pagan Year Of The Snake
The Japanese love to make up 'year names' for their years in some evil Pagan twist
No, we must trust that God has given Rabbi Jonathan Cahn unusual spiritual insight into current events
God has given Rabbi Jonathan Cahn a powerful voice and audience in order to communicate meaning to the world today. This includes his best-selling book, "The Harbinger," and his well-known Inauguration Day speech to the nation.
This link is to a 700 Club interview with Rabbi Cahn by Pat Robertson. Pat says that what Cahn has revealed is "extraordinary." Cahn points to very specific Scriptures in the Word that refer to the time we are in, beginning with 9-11-01. This is amazing.
If you want to better understand God's work and signs in the world today, check out this interview.
Brother Ron Reese
PS I received a lovely email from a Godly woman called Nicole who runs a 'facebox' page called 'atheists are fake' - I have not looked at this page as facebox is worldly and of the devil, however she says has posted some of my pictures from my mailing list and is doing God's work in destroying the false science and lies of the atheists, so good on her -
Nicole I salute you!
PPS I received an email from my good friend George from Tampa - yes George that was me you saw preaching in North Carolina - keep watching the skies and signs!
PPPS I received a package of cookies from Francis - thanks they were lovely (although my daughter Denise ate most of them!!!) God has truly blessed you with cooking like a wife should do!!!
I have no faith in these
occult predictions, but in view of what many Bible scholars are saying about
2013, this is interesting.
Those who make predictions according to the study of feng shui -- or literally "wind-water" -- are influential in many parts of Asia, where people adjust their lives or renovate houses and offices based on the advice.
As they bid farewell to the Year of the Dragon, the fortune tellers warn that the "black water snake" that emerges to replace it on February 10 -- the first day of the Lunar New Year -- could be a venomous one that brings disaster.
Previous Snake years have been marked by the September 11, 2001 terror strikes that killed nearly 3,000 people, the crushing of the 1989 Tiananmen pro-democracy protests and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
The 1929 stock market plunge that heralded the Great Depression also occurred in a snake year. So while these predictions about the Japanese are very interesting they are not Bibically sound in predicting the Rapture. We can watch, but should not place too much importance on what they think out in the Pacific!
Those who make predictions according to the study of feng shui -- or literally "wind-water" -- are influential in many parts of Asia, where people adjust their lives or renovate houses and offices based on the advice.
As they bid farewell to the Year of the Dragon, the fortune tellers warn that the "black water snake" that emerges to replace it on February 10 -- the first day of the Lunar New Year -- could be a venomous one that brings disaster.
Previous Snake years have been marked by the September 11, 2001 terror strikes that killed nearly 3,000 people, the crushing of the 1989 Tiananmen pro-democracy protests and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
The 1929 stock market plunge that heralded the Great Depression also occurred in a snake year. So while these predictions about the Japanese are very interesting they are not Bibically sound in predicting the Rapture. We can watch, but should not place too much importance on what they think out in the Pacific!
No, we must trust that God has given Rabbi Jonathan Cahn unusual spiritual insight into current events
God has given Rabbi Jonathan Cahn a powerful voice and audience in order to communicate meaning to the world today. This includes his best-selling book, "The Harbinger," and his well-known Inauguration Day speech to the nation.
This link is to a 700 Club interview with Rabbi Cahn by Pat Robertson. Pat says that what Cahn has revealed is "extraordinary." Cahn points to very specific Scriptures in the Word that refer to the time we are in, beginning with 9-11-01. This is amazing.
If you want to better understand God's work and signs in the world today, check out this interview.
Brother Ron Reese
PS I received a lovely email from a Godly woman called Nicole who runs a 'facebox' page called 'atheists are fake' - I have not looked at this page as facebox is worldly and of the devil, however she says has posted some of my pictures from my mailing list and is doing God's work in destroying the false science and lies of the atheists, so good on her -
Nicole I salute you!
PPS I received an email from my good friend George from Tampa - yes George that was me you saw preaching in North Carolina - keep watching the skies and signs!
PPPS I received a package of cookies from Francis - thanks they were lovely (although my daughter Denise ate most of them!!!) God has truly blessed you with cooking like a wife should do!!!
Thursday, 24 January 2013
25 Reasons We Are Living In The Last Days In America RED ALERT
Brothers and Sisters
As promised on my mailing list, here are the 25 Reasons We Are Living In The Last Days In America, much of this has been emailed to me by terrified Good Christians who are literally seeing this happen out there on the streets, yet ignored and unreported by the media:
1. Atheists sending vile emails and messages to Men Of Christ
2. Gay marriages legal and plans afoot to make straight marriage illegal
3. Racist presidents who want to destroy the white American
4. Anti-christ presidents who want to destroy Christianity, the Church and Good People
5. Fake religions saying 'which God' when you mention God as if there are any other Gods in the world and universe and if they are they are fake demon lies/blasphemy/idols
6. Evolution running rampant - created by Satan to make a fish turn into a tree
and proper Men Of Christ/creationists such as Kent Hovind and Dr Duane Gish locked up in jail for false faked crimes by the Illuminati and Government
7. The President making plans to sell Christian teenagers to Muslims for illegal brides
8. Atheists shooting children at school
9. Murders, rapes, religious (Christian) statues being vandalised and gay atheists burning the 10 Commandments at their Pride disco rallies
10. Churches closed down by Banks and turned into gay bars
11. Islamic sharia law replacing Christian law
12. Christians forced to wear arm-bands with a cross on and made to clean the streets by non-Christians (Muslims, Hindus etc) - this happened recently and one Christian woman was stripped naked and laughed at
13. No prayers in assembly at school with threats of arrest
14. The media portray Christians as paranoid, delusional fantasists
15. Giant warehouses full of new World Currency and huge furnaces to burn the dollars they replace
16. Sinister new 'death factories' and concentration camps for Christians built in the wild
17. Obama has aimed Nukes at heavily Christian cities and means to destroy them with fire if they revolt
18. Biblical treasures (the ark of Noah, the ark of the covenant) locked away in huge warehouses to make the historicity of the Bible look faked and sow Satan's vile ideas
19. Russia building tunnels under Alaska from Siberia to quickly deploy a giant army aided by many Satanists, devil-worshippers, New Agers and Atheists under the banner of 'Global Warming'
20. God delaying the Rapture to effectively cage this evil
21. Rap, hip-hoppers and heavy metal music rampant destroying children's minds (the ones not aborted)
22. Communists creating poverty and debt in our Christian society
23. UFOs, the supernatural, celebrity psychics
24. Outer darkness, pornography, the internet used as Satan's mouthpiece
25. False prophets, tricksters, liars and conmen masquerading as God's People
As promised on my mailing list, here are the 25 Reasons We Are Living In The Last Days In America, much of this has been emailed to me by terrified Good Christians who are literally seeing this happen out there on the streets, yet ignored and unreported by the media:
1. Atheists sending vile emails and messages to Men Of Christ
2. Gay marriages legal and plans afoot to make straight marriage illegal
3. Racist presidents who want to destroy the white American
4. Anti-christ presidents who want to destroy Christianity, the Church and Good People
5. Fake religions saying 'which God' when you mention God as if there are any other Gods in the world and universe and if they are they are fake demon lies/blasphemy/idols
6. Evolution running rampant - created by Satan to make a fish turn into a tree
and proper Men Of Christ/creationists such as Kent Hovind and Dr Duane Gish locked up in jail for false faked crimes by the Illuminati and Government
7. The President making plans to sell Christian teenagers to Muslims for illegal brides
8. Atheists shooting children at school
9. Murders, rapes, religious (Christian) statues being vandalised and gay atheists burning the 10 Commandments at their Pride disco rallies
10. Churches closed down by Banks and turned into gay bars
11. Islamic sharia law replacing Christian law
12. Christians forced to wear arm-bands with a cross on and made to clean the streets by non-Christians (Muslims, Hindus etc) - this happened recently and one Christian woman was stripped naked and laughed at
13. No prayers in assembly at school with threats of arrest
14. The media portray Christians as paranoid, delusional fantasists
15. Giant warehouses full of new World Currency and huge furnaces to burn the dollars they replace
16. Sinister new 'death factories' and concentration camps for Christians built in the wild
17. Obama has aimed Nukes at heavily Christian cities and means to destroy them with fire if they revolt
18. Biblical treasures (the ark of Noah, the ark of the covenant) locked away in huge warehouses to make the historicity of the Bible look faked and sow Satan's vile ideas
19. Russia building tunnels under Alaska from Siberia to quickly deploy a giant army aided by many Satanists, devil-worshippers, New Agers and Atheists under the banner of 'Global Warming'
20. God delaying the Rapture to effectively cage this evil
21. Rap, hip-hoppers and heavy metal music rampant destroying children's minds (the ones not aborted)
22. Communists creating poverty and debt in our Christian society
23. UFOs, the supernatural, celebrity psychics
24. Outer darkness, pornography, the internet used as Satan's mouthpiece
25. False prophets, tricksters, liars and conmen masquerading as God's People
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Continuing vile email from an atheist-satanist
A devil worshipping atheist called ED continues to threaten me by email and abuse me, serving his satanic master, whose trident he will feel inserted somewhere unpleasant for eternity. He thinks by quoting scripture he is somehow better than me and that I am not God's prophet and not the person who has forewarned that the final 7 years are here, now.
Here are some of his evil emails:
Here are some of his evil emails:
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No debate...resurrection of the dead yes, pre-trib rapture NO!
The love of God is not in you
So you think that someone who does not believe your never ending wrong predictions but who does look for the return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the Saints... is an atheist? Would you know the Holy Spirit if you heard His still small voice saying, "...this is the way, walk ye in it..."?
I am thinking not. Jesus is LORD!
BTW, the resurrection of saints is at the "last trump", after the coming apostasy and the man of sin is revealed.
Read it...
We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
1 John 3:14 KJV
Ron, you cannot even discern a brother, how then can you discern the utterance of the Spirit of God.
You are a self proclaimed prophet, or a "son of the prophets".
You tread on dangerous ground proclaiming curses upon a son of the Most High God, who was purchased from among men by the precious blood of his Son, Christ Jesus our Lord.
I pray that there remains enough "light" in you that God allows you to turn in repentance and so be saved.
Jesus opposes the false prophets, you have already lost!
This is further proof that we are in the end times
Pray with me brothers and sisters and continue emailing me your support
To join my Rapture mailing list email brotherronreese@gmail.com
The love of God is not in you
So you think that someone who does not believe your never ending wrong predictions but who does look for the return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the Saints... is an atheist? Would you know the Holy Spirit if you heard His still small voice saying, "...this is the way, walk ye in it..."?
I am thinking not. Jesus is LORD!
BTW, the resurrection of saints is at the "last trump", after the coming apostasy and the man of sin is revealed.
Read it...
We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
1 John 3:14 KJV
Ron, you cannot even discern a brother, how then can you discern the utterance of the Spirit of God.
You are a self proclaimed prophet, or a "son of the prophets".
You tread on dangerous ground proclaiming curses upon a son of the Most High God, who was purchased from among men by the precious blood of his Son, Christ Jesus our Lord.
I pray that there remains enough "light" in you that God allows you to turn in repentance and so be saved.
Jesus opposes the false prophets, you have already lost!
This is further proof that we are in the end times
Pray with me brothers and sisters and continue emailing me your support
To join my Rapture mailing list email brotherronreese@gmail.com
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Could the Ceasefire of Nov. 22nd be our 7--Day Warning
Many of you will know my previous predictions and calculations have been utter rubbish, but please read on for more brain melting gack:
Does anyone else see this possible scenario as having any merit?Nov. 21--22 (it was the 22nd in Jerusalem time), the Ceasefire with Israel takes place. 1st Thess. 5:3 says, "and when they say Peace and Safety, THEN Sudden Destruction shall come upon them, and they shall not escape." Only the Bride of Christ escapes, in the Rapture.THEN means in a VERY short period of time. As the whole world takes a collective sigh of relief because of the Ceasefire, which may have temporarily avoided WW3, in the eyes of many people, could this have been the Biblical Peace and Safety in this verse? Even more ominous, could this have been our 7--Day Warning?Could a limited nuclear war, or an EMP attack, involving Russia, or whomever, and the U.S., take place 7 days from now, that would pave the way for the Hanukkah Eve Battle of Gog and Magog? Assuming that Obama would be complicit in any attack on the U.S., as he was sent here to destroy the U.S., this Sudden Destruction (nuclear?) would pave the way for Russia, Iran, and their allies to attack Israel.This COULD make Nov. 28--29th the day of the Sudden Destruction and the Rapture. What more appropriate day for God's Judgment to begin then Nov. 29th, the day the Palestinians attempt to divide God's Holy Land, especially if they are successful. We cannot be sure what the Sudden Destruction is, but Nov. 29th seems to have potential to be that day, especially in light of the cry for Peace and Safety SEVEN days from that date. A 7-Day Warning, as in the Days of Noah, is a very distinct possibility. Nov. 29th, as mentioned in my previous post, is a very historic day of the year. 29 is the number for DEPARTURE. Is Nov. 29th our DEPARTURE day???Maranatha!p.s. No, I am not abandoning Dec. 7--8th, Hanukkah Eve, as a VERY HIGH RAPTURE/SUDDEN DESTRUCTION ALERT DAY. However, I do believe in progressive revelation. In light of the Peace and Safety Ceasefire event, we must consider all options. In my opinion, we can now add Nov. 28--29 as another High Rapture/Sudden Destruction Alert day.
Apr. 11th + 33 weeks = Nov. 28th 11:18 (6+6+6) Obama re-elected
In yesterday's post, we learned that Nov. 28--29th, the time
of the Palestinians' petition to the United Nations, for independent statehood,
is the converging date of the very Satanic numbers of 333 and 33. Nov. 28,
2012, is the 333rd day of the year, and 33 is the number of days from Nov. 29th
to the end of 2012. There are no numbers more Satanic than 33 and 333 and
Today we learn that it is EXACTLY 33 weeks from Apr. 11, 2012,
the EXACT midpoint of the Final 7 Years, to Nov. 28, 2012. God MARKED APR. 11,
EARTHQUAKES, with an 8.6, the largest slip earthquake in recorded history, an
8.2, and many other large earthquakes, on this very same day. During the past
year, there have been NO other 8.0+ earthquakes, anywhere in the world. But on
The date of Nov. 28--29th now has at least THREE AMAZING
markers of 33 and 333 pointing directly at it. It certainly appears that the
Satanic New World Order has MARKED this day for a reason. The dividing of God's
Holy Land is sure to arouse the wrath of our Lord God. Is God about to MARK
Nov. 28--29 as another extremely important day on His Prophetic calendar??? We
do not have long to find out. Surely, we live in extraordinary Prophetic days!
What a privilege to be the generation that is alive to see the culmination of
this amazing end-times Prophetic puzzle! Extremely exciting, yet cataclysmic
and sobering for most of the world.
In another fascinating calculation, one can observe that it is
EXACTLY 33 inclusive days from the Antichrist's, Barack Hussein Obama's,
re-election, on Nov. 6th, to the Biblical day of the year, for World War 3
(Haggai 2), Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 8, 2012.
Did anyone else notice the time of the night when Obama was
declared the winner of the U.S. Presidential election? I was alternating
between Fox News and CNN, for coverage of the election. It was like
both channels were racing to see who could declare the winner first. After
11:00 p.m., EST, when the polls were closing on the West Coast,
everything seemed to go on Fast Forward. It went from supposedly being a tight
race, with MANY key states too close to call, to Obama being declared the winner
in just 18 minutes. CNN declared Obama the winner at EXACTLY 11:18. I
immediately switched back to Fox News. At the very same time, they were also
declaring Obama the winner.
The grand announcement, of the re-election of the Antichrist,
took place at EXACTLY 11:18 p.m., EST, on both major networks. It almost seemed
like this was their pre-destined time. It almost seemed like this was their
goal. How perfectly appropriate that the Antichrist should be announced the
winner at precisely 11:18. 11:18 (6 + 6 + 6). 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. 666--The number of the Antichrist, who had just been
re-elected. The Prophetic meaning of the number ELEVEN makes it even more
fascinating. Eleven is the number of JUDGMENT and
Was the timing of the announcement declaring Obama, the
Antichrist, the winner, just a coincidence? At Obama's election, in 2008, the
following day, the state of Illinois. the state where Obama was senator and
before that, community organizer, announced their winning number, in the
Illinois state lottery, as 6-6-6. Just another coincidence.
I seriously doubt it. God has His way of revealing clues, and
marker dates, that go way beyond being just coincidence. I believe these clues
were set in place by our Lord, just like all of the amazing and compelling clues
that He set forth on each of the key dates of the Final 7 Years from the Fall of
2008 to the Fall of 2015 (See previous posts on www.fivedoves.com and my website
JUDGMENT had just been pronounced on the United States, at 11:18 p.m., EST,
Because of God's JUDGMENT
now resting on our country, and the entire
world, as the Word says, in Revelation 13:7, "and power was given unto
him (the Beast) over ALL kindreds, and tongues, and NATIONS", We have every reason to now expect the DISORDER of World War 3 and
the Great Tribulation to soon follow. The pre-planned Sudden Destruction of
WW3 is now developing very quickly. Could it be the date that is emphasized
THREE TIMES in Haggai 2, Hanukkah Eve?
In the year of 2012, that would be Dec. 7--8th, EXACTLY 40
DAYS (the Sign of Jonah) from Superstorm Sandy. This ominously looming date is
EXACTLY THREE years from the start of the Millennium, Dec. 7--8, 2015. It is
the anniversary date, for the U.S., for World War 2, at Pearl Harbor. It is the
anniversary date, in 1917, when Gen. Allenby rescued the Jews from 40 years of
Turkish rule. It is EXACTLY one year from the day when Obama and his cronies
made a mock celebration of Hanukkah, an unexplained, and mysterious two weeks
early. Most importantly, Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 7--8th is the Biblical day of the
year set forth THREE TIMES in Haggai 2, for the Sudden Destruction of World War
Even so, Come, Lord Jesus! We welcome, and eagerly
Your Returning!
Wesley Ron Reese
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Out In The Woods - still watching and waiting
Well, myself, my wife Shanice, my son Bernard and my daughter Denise are all still out in the woods living in the winnebago. I was pretty sure Our Lord would've whisked us away by the end of summer what with all the signs - hurricanes, alien battle ships parked by the sun, whirlwinds, the terrorist attack at the Olympic games etc, so I guess times have got to get REAL BAD YET.
So I guess its time to keep ourselves for Jesus and just be thankful that we'll be flying in the air as His Bride when He takes us in the Rapture when nuclear missiles are flattening America's cities
Glory Hallelujah!
PS The Satanist 'Ed' who was emailing me has stopped, thank you for your prayers in seeing off this chinless homosexual from my Inbox! Glory to Jesus!
So I guess its time to keep ourselves for Jesus and just be thankful that we'll be flying in the air as His Bride when He takes us in the Rapture when nuclear missiles are flattening America's cities
Glory Hallelujah!
PS The Satanist 'Ed' who was emailing me has stopped, thank you for your prayers in seeing off this chinless homosexual from my Inbox! Glory to Jesus!
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