Can you FEEL IT? Can you FEEL the lull? The lull in between birth pains?
Seems like nothing big has happened in a little while......
And yet......MUCH has been progressing around the world....
Obama comes out for gay marriage. (Really....were ANY OF US really surprised by this announcement? other than the timing of it? No...)
Israel has taken political steps to strengthen their government to take on 2 things:
1) Iran....if no further action is made at the next Iran talks later this month (does ANYBODY really expect progress??? Again....NO!)
2) One FINAL Chance for Peace Talks with those wonderful Palestinian leaders. (Again,,,,does ANYONE expect progress here either? NO!!)
IF the Rapture is this month, Ascension Day or Pentecost (May 17 / May 27)....
(this is my hope, but not my expectation...).....
Nothing big may happen around the world in the next 12-14 days....
IF the Rapture is later this year, maybe Rosh Hashanah, what big events may happen around the world? (This is also my hope.....AND my expectant as one can be on this date-setting matter!)
What to best guess?
1) More birth pains........ITALY HAS BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED BY A MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE TODAY!!! Generally, more volcanic activity. (Easy to say.....hard to predict!)
2) ISRAEL attacks Iran (They just MUST do it this year, right???!!!)
Price of OIL goes back up dramatically, after a recent pullback.
3) Continuing economic / political problems in Europe....impacting the US markets for the 3rd straight year.
-US Markets get hit.....May through September? last year. ??
-US Dollar strengthens......(and it IS)..... still as a 'safe haven" when Europe and the world run for financial safety. (Ever since 2008.....every time there is a run for safety, the US Dollar goes up.)
4) In the US...which is all that matters as it is the Antichrist's lair.....a total split between Democrats and Republicans....... on fiscal issues as well as moral ones, like gay marriage. Obama came THIS close to making hetrosexual marriage illegal and making only Gay marriage legal! THIS close! He wants us down on our knees swallowing his evil policy to pander to his gay freinds!! I WILL NOT SWALLOW YOUR POLICY, OBAMA-ANTICHRIST
5) After 3 years of hard labor on the Bible Math Code my beloved calculator started to fail, with its screen fading, required a new battery. My wife, Shanice, had to drive nearly 50km to the nearest store to get a new one. Truly Satan is against us. I spent a cold, hands-clammy three hours waiting for her alternately worrying, then praying for the new battery's safe delivery from evil, then worrying again that the store would not have a new one even though I called ahead and reserved one! Truly these are evil times we live thru
TICK TOCK.....we shall see..
Even so come Lord Jesus
PS....... NOTHING has been fixed in this world over the past 4 years. Not economically, not politically, not morally, not socially. On EVERY ISSUE....things are WORSE than they were over the last 4 years. Things were so much BETTER 60 years ago!! Apart from the World War. TICK TOCK.....
ALL THE DOMINOES ARE ALL LINED UP..... just waiting for what? THE RAPTURE, to knock them all down....soon.....SOON...
Whilst we MAY be wrong about "the" date.....I am convinced, there is just NO WAY we are wrong about the "nearness of the hour!"
Do you realize how MANY Christians ARE jumping on the bandwagon for the true NEARNESS OF THE HOUR???? There are more people than I have ever seen writing and talking about this now...... !!
Ron - because you guaranteed that April 11th, 2012 would be the Rapture - praise the Lord Jesus Christ who is G-d - I quit my job on April 9th, and am now running out of money. If the Rapture is not by May 27th (Pentecost) which you and Mathman and many others claimed it will be, my blood will be upon you. Check the obituaries for the Chicago suburbs sometime next week for the proof of what I say.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell are you talking about: "ITALY HAS BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED BY A MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE TODAY!!!"? Such complete and total exaggeration - lie, rubbish, and nonsense (like much of what else you claim) - only convinces people that you are completely bonkers and have no connection with reality. You need to get some professional help! Maybe it is your "God" and "Lord" and "Saviour" that is against you and your calculator!
ReplyDeleteHey Ron - How's that job looking at Walmart (if the Rapture hasn't happened by June 25th/26th, 2102)? Just quoting what you said.
ReplyDeleteThat should be "2012" instead of "2102", although the way Ron has been predicting for the last several years, maybe 2102 is more accurate.
DeleteRon - "There is just NO WAY we are wrong about the 'nearness of the hour!'" Is that a literal hour; a day is a thousand years hour; hours; days; weeks; months; a year; ten years; twenty years; your lifetime; my grandkids' lifetime; centuries; or what?