Friday 20 April 2012


As many on this website are aware of I and several others are firm proponents of a 2008 – 2015 Timeline. The math pointing towards 2015 are just too great to give up on this timeline, especially when viewed alongside with significant events such as the rise of President Obama as the perfect Anti-Christ at just the perfect time.

There is reason for our continued hope in the 2008 - 2015 timeline and THEREFORE, more importantly, our very real hope to expect a VERY SOON Rapture due to the resulting nearness of the Great Tribulation. Now, of course, the Rapture remains imminent and always has been for almost 2000 years, but what I mean to do is to provide a very real mathematical reason to hope for the Rapture to be REALLY soon. I stake the batteries in my Texas Instruments calculator that it is so. How many times have I sat down at 2am with a TV dinner on my lap having worked on the math all night to prove the Bible Code is directly provided to me by Jesus? Many, many times my friends!

While some may say we are simply being optimistic in order to try to keep the 2008-2015 timeline alive, I personally believe that the timeline should live on due to substantial and logical reasons for it to continue to do so. If these reasons didn’t exist, I would feel absolutely NO OBLIGATION at all to further such a timeline. I still believe this timeline is applicable, AND have substantial reasons to believe so, or I wouldn’t continue with this communication.

So perhaps this leads to another logical question? Exactly what is my personal “deadline” before I will FINALLY put the 2008-2015 timeline to bed forever? For me, the 2008-2015 timeline will crumple completely if we are still here after sunset in Jerusalem on June 26, 2012, UNLESS there are MAJOR Biblical events, and not just weather phenomena, EQs, etc., that occur between now and June 25th that would OVERWHELMINGLY tell us otherwise. If June 27 comes to pass I will merely point out that an earthquake happened the day before, or a minor powercut happened at a football game. That will be enough for me to convince me God sent a sign. The signs keep on a-comin'

However, I do not personally believe we will make it as far as June 25th before we get called to our wedding!! Regardless of our varying perspectives, I have no doubt that most of us will agree that we will be Raptured in the VERY NEAR FUTURE!! Truly our time is running short!! Keep looking up!! Won’t be long now!! MARANATHA!!


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