Thursday 24 May 2012

End Times Ministry

Yes, the devastating earthquake in Italy (which has destroyed 89% of the catholics there) is a sign of God's wrath that Obama almost made the abomination of gay marriage the only legal way to get hitched in the USA. As you know the USA is the only important country in the Rapture predictions as it is here that Barack Saddam Hussein Bin Laden currently rules ---  at least before the Sudden Destruction happens and great curly red horns sprout from his Gay-theist evolutionmist head.

The End Times are racing towards us like a runaway juggernaut and the agents of evil are abroad. Only last weekend my wife, Shanice, noticed a strange stunted 'man' thing in a shabby overcoat with what appeared to be a withered hand prowling the streets and hanging around the lane at the end of the trailer park (with the other trash). I have been insulted on another internetts forum by a person fitting this description who is unnaturally obsessed with my family and particularly my daughter Denise (who is blossoming into a beautiful girl of 19 just before she goes UP to meet HIM) so naturally we were worried.  A quick call to my brother Maurice saw him and 30 of his Godly friends see off this vile stranger in our midst. But how many vile strangers ARE truly in our midst or lurking on the internetts waiting to strike with their crooked fingers and limping gait?

Attached is a Beautiful Song – Youtube Video that is so uplifting and encouraging for us all now who are sooo weary what with all the gay-theism and persecution…  I was led by the Lord (He speaks to me!!) to post this today!

Please do not 'download it illegally' as God directs theft is a sin.

The Rapture is a glorious event which God has promised to the Church.

Let's not follow the plan of the evil spirit's who only make fear and war against our faith, remember for God nothing is impossible.

let's look up for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and now also after the total victory on Golgatha, and the victorius resurrection

from death, is the New son of Man, the firstborn of a new creation, the children of God's, as told in John 1:10-13.v. and in the

letter from Paul to the Romans chpt 8th - the whole chpt, but especially verse 18-39.

Jesus Christ is the only Truth, Way and Life, let's do what the Almighty God and Father in Jesus Christ said to Peter, John and Jacob

on the mountain with Jesus: this is My beloved Son, listen to and follow Him - thats also the will of God's for us to, - so dont fear,

like the Philadelphian Church, stand fast in faith and obey Jesus our Great Lord, and soon our King of kings to have a blessed time in the love from Jesus Christ


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