Tuesday 8 May 2012


I have had an amazing weekend!!!

The Lord hath breathed His Heavenly Power unto me, shewing me the true convergence of His Divine Majesty and also revealing to me the hidden truth about that vile atheist Muslim traitor homosexual Obama Bin Laden Barack, the so-called President of the United Leftwing Conspiracy Of America!!

First I will share with you the Good News -


Yes, I know some of you will say 'Ron you've been saying this for years, you keep getting the dates wrong, you've failed twice already this year' like the naysayers on FalseProphet Watch or Aliens Love UFOs or Rapture In The Air Now keep saying. But when was a Watchman's life ever easy? My calculator has seen me thru all of this before and until now it has not revealed the TRUE TIMELINE. Now it has!
Praise and Thank You Lord Jesus!
After three and one-half long years of end-time Bible Prophecy ministry for me, it is finally coming to an end. Soon I will leave this Earthly Hell and walk with Jesus hand in hand (but not in a homosexual way) Quite simply, the Great Tribulation HAS to begin in May or June of 2012, if the 2008--2015 timeline, is God's timeline. The 1260-day periods of the reign of the Antichrist, the ministry of the two witnesses, and the fleeing to the wilderness (Petra?), of the Jewish remnant, simply HAVE to begin in May or June of this year.
Simply put if it does NOT happen in May or June of 2012 I will EAT MY OWN FACE.
To fully comprehend this message, reading Part 1 and Part 2, are an absolute MUST. They are linked, in order, below:
In Part 1, we learned how the answers to the timing of the Rapture, and the Start of the Great Tribulation are found in Daniel 12. In Part 2, we learned how all of the Biblical evidence dovetails to one particular date for the END DATE OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION. That date is Dec. 6--7, 2015. All evidence seemingly points to this date to be the date of:
1. The Battle of Armageddon.
2. The End Date of the Great Tribulation.
3. The End of Days in Daniel 12.
4. The End of the 1335 Days from Apr. 11, 2012, which is the proposed mid-point Date of the Final 7 Years.
5. The anniversary date of Pearl Harbor.
6. The End Date of the 120-year Noahic countdown, EXACTLY to the very day. This 120--year (Prophetic years) Noahic countdown began on Aug. 29, 1897, when the very first Jewish Congress was established. This truly is an astounding calculation. The number 120 means DIVINE PERIOD OF PROBATION.
7. The anniversary date of the laying of the foundation of the original Temple.
8. The probable date for the beginning of the Millennial Reign of Christ (in His New Temple). How perfectly appropriate!
9. Hanukkah Eve. Hanukkah is the historic miraculous Rescue Time of Israel, pointing us to the Battle of Armageddon, when God miraculously Rescues the nation of Israel once again from Sudden Destruction, at the hands of the armies of the world. Dec. 6--7, 2015, is the absolute PERFECT FIT.
10. Kislev 24, the day of the year referred to THREE TIMES in Haggai 2, as an extremely important day in end-time Bible Prophecy (Read all about it in Part 2).
11. The Final Day of the 2008--2015 timeline.
THAT IS A WHOLE LOT POINTING TO ONE PARTICULAR DAY!!! What are the odds that all of these end-time Bible Prophecies culminate on the VERY SAME DAY by sheer coincidence???!!! That is why I believe we should call KISLEV 24, HANUKKAH EVE, DEC. 6--7, 2015, GOD'S PRE-DESTINED DAY OF DESTINY FOR THE WORLD!!!
These 11 markers for the LAST DAY OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION are the reasons why it was important to establish the Final Day, before attempting to discover the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. That is why you really need to read Part 2, before reading any more of Part 3.
In Part 2, we focused entirely on Day 1335 (of Dan. 12), the Ending Date of the Great Tribulation. ALL evidence puts that day at Kislev 24, Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6--7, 2015. Today's post focuses on Day 1290. We read in Daniel 12:11, "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days."
Day 1335 is an X FACTOR in attempting to establish the time, and timing, of the Great Tribulation and the Rapture. Day 1290 is also an X FACTOR. There are different directions we can attempt to go with the 1290 days and the 1335 days. As I mentioned in Parts 1 and 2, God VALIDATED Apr. 11, 2012, by making it a MEGA-EARTHQUAKE DAY, as the mid-point day of the Final 7 Years. We added 1335 days to this mid-point pre-destined date, to arrive at Dec. 6--7, 2015. There are at least ELEVEN major things pointing to that day, in, what I believe, is God's pre-ordained timeline, as we just pointed out.
I believe the evidence presented above for Dec. 6--7, 2015, to be the LAST DAY OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION IS EXTREMELY COMPELLING, AND PROBABLY CONCLUSIVE. So, to arrive at the Start Date of the Great Tribulation, do we back up 1290 days, as per Dan. 12:11, or do we back up 1260 days, as most Bible Prophecy students do? Only Progessive Revelation will tell us for sure. Some say that the last half, or the Great Tribulation, is 1260 days. Others say it is 1290 days.
I am not going to draw a conclusive deduction for you today. If we back up 1260 days from Dec. 6--7, 2015, we arrive at June 25--26, 2012, for the Start Date of the Great Tribulation. If we back up 1290 days from Dec. 6--7, 2015, we arrive at May 26--27, 2012. In my opinion, the Final Day Date of Kislev 24, Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6--7, 2015, is a FIXED DATE. With at least ELEVEN things pointing to this very date, it simply CANNOT be moved. This is NOT an approximate date.
This means that one of the above two dates will become the Starting Date of the Great Tribulation. In God's eyes, it is a FIXED DATE. It cannot be moved. It cannot be an approximate date. June 25--26, 2012, is the LAST DEADLINE DATE. In my opinion, the Great Tribulation MUST start, NO LATER than this date. We have three 1260-day timelines, mentioned above, that simply MUST begin by this date.
As I have stated before, with these THREE TIMELINES converging if my PREDICTION fails I will retire from the job of Watchman and get a job at Walmart. I am confident this will not happen though. If it does not occur I WILL PUT MY FAITHFUL CALCULATOR IN THE TRASH.
These three 1260-day timelines could all start on the same date. My guess is that at least two of them will start at the same time. Any of these 3 timelines could start today, or any day between now and June 25--26th of this year. The Rapture/Sudden Destruction could also take place any day between now and June 25--26th. The Rapture, as we all well know, remains the Mystery Day. What is fascinating, and intriguing, is that if we back up 1290 days from the proposed Final Day of the Great Tribulation of Dec. 6--7, 2015, we arrive at May 26--27, 2012, WHICH IS FEAST OF PENTECOST!!!
If you are a serious student of Bible Prophecy, I do not have to detail everything that is pointing to May 26--27, Feast of Pentecost, this year. The pertinent posts on , the past few weeks, have been numerous, and excellent. It may very well be our long-awaited pre-destined day. I encourage you to research, and read several of these accounts. I just want to point out, and emphasize six things, out of the many, that seem to be pointing to Pentecost, May 26--27, 2012:
1. The most respected, and most read, Bible Prophecy scholar of our time, in my opinion, was the late J.R. Church. Every year, he would vacillate between Feast of Trumpets and Feast of Pentecost, as to the probable time of the Rapture of the Bride. As far as I know, he never did make up his mind, which Feast Day he favored more. If someone of his stature, had such a high regard for this Prophetic Feast Day, you and I should sit up and take notice of Feast of Pentcost as a high potential Rapture Day of the year.
2. There is so much typology that seems to point directly to Feast of Pentecost as a real potential day to be the Day of the Rapture. Some of the recent posts on 5 Doves, have been deep, relevant to this particular year of 2012, and frankly quite astounding. The evidence for Pentecost this year is becoming more compelling as we move closer to that date.
3. It is truly fascinating that Enoch, who was our "type" of Rapture, as he was Raptured BEFORE THE SUDDEN DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLDWIDE FLOOD IN NOAH'S TIME, WAS BORN ON PENTECOST AND WAS RAPTURED ON PENTECOST. I believe also that Enoch and Elijah, the only two persons who were Raptured and never died, will be the two witnesses. God had to take them for a specific purpose. It is unlikely that he only took TWO by coincidence, the same number as the number of witnesses in Revelation, especially when Elijah is a near-unanimous choice to be one of the two witnesses.
God started the Church Age on Pentecost. Will He choose to end the church age on Pentecost, just as Enoc's life started, and ended, with his Rapture, on Pentecost? Enoch is a type of our Rapture. It seems like a very good possibility, especially in light of the mounting evidence for our potential Rapture to be on Pentecost, 2012, that God may have established the pattern with Enoch, who was Rapture at age 365, the number of days in a year. Was the Lord trying to tell us to look for the same day of the year as Enoch's Rapture?
4. There is a potential 7-day warning, just like Noah received, in the total solar eclipse on May 20th, 7 days before Feast of Pentecost, May 26--27th.
5. In Part 1, we learned that Daniel 12 gives us the answer to the timing, and the time, of the Rapture. Backing up 1290 days (Dan. 12:11) from the proposed Final Day of the Great Tribulation, Dec. 6--7, 2015, takes us EXACTLY to Feast of Pentecost, May 26--27th of this year.
6. More specifically, Daniel 12:11 MAY point us directly to Pentecost, May 26--27, 2012, as the Day of the Rapture. Details to follow below.
Other dates that are being mentioned often, as potential Rapture dates, in May and June of this year, include:
1. 2nd Passover Week, from May 6th through May 13th.
2. May 11th is Day 1290 from the Start Date of the Final 7 Years, Oct. 29, 2008.
3. May 14th, is Israel's 64th birthday. 64 is 8 X 8. Eight is the number of new beginnings.
4. May 17th, Ascension Day, the day of the year when Jesus ascended to Heaven.
5. May 20th, the day of the total solar eclipse.
6. Several other days have been suggested in early to mid-June.
7. June 25--26th. It seems to be God's pattern to take everything right to the last possible moment. In my opinion, June 25--26, 2012, is the last option for the starting date of the Great Tribulation. It appears that this, therefore, should be our last option for the Rapture/Sudden Destruction, for the 2008--2015 timeline.
8. Any day in the remainder of May, and up until June 25--26th. In other words, in a day when you think not. Many would choose this option.
Now I would like to present to you something BRAND NEW. In Part 1, we emphasized that Daniel 12 held the KEYS TO THE TIME OF THE RAPTURE AND THE START OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION. In my opinion, in these three posts, we have shown the very likely date of the END OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION AS KISLEV 24, HANUKKAH EVE, DEC. 6--7, 2015. This would seem to establish either June 25--26, 2012, or Pentecost, May 26--27, 2012, as the starting date of the Great Tribulation, depending on whether the Great Tribulation is 1260 days, or 1290 days.
But perhaps we can narrow down the potential Rapture Date to one day. If my interpretation of Dan. 12 is correct, we MAY be able to do that. I am suggesting to you that Dan. 12: 11--13, the Final 3 verses in Daniel, hold the key to the timing of the Rapture. They read as follows, "And from the TIME THAT THE DAILY SACRIFICE IS TAKEN AWAY, and the abomination of desolation set up, THERE SHALL BE A THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY DAYS (1290 DAYS). Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days (1335 days). But go thou thy way TILL THE END BE: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot AT THE END OF THE DAYS."
I am suggesting to you that THE TIME THAT THE DAILY SACRIFICE IS TAKEN AWAY is referring to the DAY OF THE RAPTURE. The Lord looks at us as a DAILY LIVING SACRIFICE. We read in Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that YE PRESENT YOUR BODIES A LIVING SACRIFICE, HOLY, ACCEPTABLE UNTO GOD, which is your reasonable service."
Sherry Vance goes into great detail, and does an excellent job, in the following posts, of showing how there does NOT have to be a rebuilt temple for the Antichrist, nor animal sacrifices by the Jews during the Great Tribulation. She shows us, using many good Scriptures, how the DAILY SACRIFICE is referring to Christians, and not animal sacrifices:
Two events are mentioned in verse 11:
1. The daily sacrifice is taken away (the Rapture).
2. The Abomination of Desolation is set up. For the purpose of this discussion, it is irrelevant what this event actually is.
I am further suggesting to you that these two events are NOT 1290 days apart, which is the common interpretation. I am suggesting to you that the proper interpretation is that the daily sacrifice being taken away (the Rapture), and the Abomination of Desolation being set up, take place on the same day. Then 1290 days from these two events on the very same day, a 3rd event, or Scriptural Day, takes place. The next two verses tell us when this is:
1. Verse 13 tells us these two same-day events take place "till the end be" (the end of the day count).
2. Verse 13 tells us that these two same-day events take place "at the end of the days (at the end of the day count)".
3. Verse 12 tells us when "the end of the days (the day count)" is: 1335 days.
4. Verse 11 tells us these two same-day events take place 1290 days from "the end of the days ( the day count of 1335 days)".
I believe, if you study Dan. 12: 11-13 carefully, you will come to the same conclusion. It is really the only interpretation, in light of where we are at, at this late stage of the Final 7--Year timeline, from 2008--2015, that makes any sense.
So, if we are interpreting these last three verses of Dan. 12 correctly, we just subtract 1290 days from Kislev 24, Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6--7, 2015, to arrive at the Day of the Abomination of Desolation, and Day of the Rapture. THIS WOULD MAKE MAY 26--27TH, FEAST OF PENTECOST, THE DAY OF THE RAPTURE!!!
In light of everything else presented in this post, this is extremely exciting, and perhaps enlightening, news. One more giant piece of the Prophetic Puzzle MAY have just been discovered.
I have just one more interesting potential date revelation that also points directly to Pentecost, May 26--27th, of 2012. Many who believe in the timeline of the Fall of 2008, to the Fall of 2015, as the Final 7 Years, use Sept. 29, 2008, rather than Oct. 29, 2008, as the starting date. This is the day the U.S. stock market fell over 777 points in one day, an all-time record. The fact that this day is also Feast of Trumpets makes it even more interesting, and intriguing. Many Prophecy students have shown how the Fall of 2008, to the Fall of 2015, is a Sabbatical cycle, greatly increasing the chances for this to be the correct timeline, for the Final 7 Years.
A Sabbatical cycle MUST start on the Jewish New Year, Trumpets, and end on the same day of the year, Trumpets, 7 years later. So, if a Final 7-Year countdown began on Trumpets, Sept. 29, 2008, by adding the 1335 days (Double Reference Principle?) of Dan. 12: 12, we arrive EXACTLY AT FEAST OF PENTECOST, MAY 26--27, 2012!!!
So, the X FACTORS of Day 1290 and 1335 point us DIRECTLY TO FEAST OF PENTECOST, MAY 26--27, 2012, running frontwards, and running backwards. I am not ruling out any day in May or June of this year. The deadline remains June 25--26th of this year. But, by far, the bulk of the evidence, in my opinion, SEEMS TO BE POINTING DIRECTLY TO PENTECOST, MAY 26--27th, OF THIS YEAR!!!
I feel led to close this post, with Scriptures that point directly to the backslidden, compromising, worldly, and lukewarm Christians, who might be reading this. Revelation, Chapters 1--3, also do not bode well for this type of Christian.
!st John 2:15--17 gives the end-times Christian, a stern, and compelling warning, when it says, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. and the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he who does the will of God abides FOREVER."
Now over to the BAD NEWS about the Antichrist, Obama, get yourself saved NOW otherwise THIS monstrosity is what you'll be up against -
THIS has come to my attention:
Obama was indoctrinated by the American Communist Party of which his mother and grandparents of his mother were high in the organization. He was mentored by another Communist by the name of Frank Marshall Davis, Jr when he lived in Hawaii as a child. His mother may have had an affair with Davis (unable to confirm). He grew up as a Suni Muslim in Indonesia and his alleged birth father was a muslim. In his visit to Kenya on an Indonesia passport Obama received a special gift from a Muslim Cleric that is only given to individuals that have provided great service and dedication to the Muslim faith. Under Muslim radical law, if a Muslim claim another religion it is punishable by death. Obama was given a pass as it is also acceptable to pretend to be of another religion if you are doing covert work for the Muslim faith. Obama is both a communist and a Muslim. His phony belief systems that portray him as a Marxist and a Christian are only covers. For what it is worth I have been investigating Obama since April of 08 and have studied the four ongoing major investigations that are still taking place as I type in addition to my own. He was born in Kenya. His first and only US passport was issued to his as a US Senator and is a diplomatic passport. Many US military carry the same as not all countries recognized the military id as an entry document. He is also a closet bi-sexual and he and Michelle are both HIV positive.
Ron Reese


  1. Why would you "eat your face"? That's the sign of an unstable unsound mind/spirit/soul/person. You even qualified your prediction with "if the 2008--2015 timeline, is God's timeline", which it is NOT. So again, why "eat your face?" And why this new website? And please don't eat your face. And if you do, please don't upload it to the internet.

  2. Hey Ron, you better not believe the Bible, because according to it you are a false prophet and should be stoned to death. I personally think that you have already suffered plenty by believing all the lies that you spout, but the Bible does say to stone you.

  3. Ron - Maybe the reason why God was hiding your calculator under that box of donuts was because of things like this: "My calculator has seen me thru all of this before and until now it has not revealed the TRUE TIMELINE. Now it has!" Now at least I know who your "God" is. Your "God" is your calculator and your own deceived mind, NOT the real true God!

  4. Dear Ron - I quit my job on Monday April 9th, 2012. I have been waiting since then for the Rapture per your teaching. I am running out of money and might not be able to survive until June 25th/26th. Now what? I hope you don't later add the 1290 and the 1335 to add 105 days (1290 - 1260 plus 1335 - 1260)to your April11th/12th date.

  5. In your previous writings - on your "The Final 7 Years Are Here Now" website - you said that the Lord and the Holy Spirit told you and then confirmed to you that the Rapture would occur on January 28th, 2012. Your Lord and Holy Spirit lied. Then you said that the Lord and Holy Spirit showed you and confirmed to you that guaranteed the Rapture would occur on April 11th, 2012. Again your Lord and Holy Spirit lied to you. When are you going to wake up to the truth - your Lord and Holy Spirit (as well as your Bible) are deceivers and liars! You've proven this to me and to anyone who has eyes to see. And because of you, my friend quit his job in early April and is now broke. Thanks (NOT)!

    1. I suggest you revisit "The Final 7 Years Are Here Now", January 28th was a warning sign.

  6. Ron - Maybe it is a 2,520 "days" Tribulation and then another(additional) 1290 "days" and then another(additional) 1335 "days" and then whatever you come up with after that. Just saying.
